How to get a job in the music industry

We asked Oli Tatler from ICMP's Careers and Industry Hub for his advice on how you land that dream music industry role...


Finding a job in the music industry can be a challenge.

Like many creative sectors, competition for roles and opportunities - whether that is as a radio plugger, working for a record label or artist management, can be stiff.  

But never fear. While the industry is a desirable one to work in there’s a lot you can do while studying at a music schools in London like ICMP to help you achieve your career goals. And if you are an ICMP student, then make sure you get along to the Careers Day taking this place Thursday (16th November)... 

Reflect on your skills, experience and motivations and develop a plan

You have the opportunity while you're studying to reflect on your strengths and areas where you need to develop new skills as well as consider how your motivations as an individual will influence your future career goals. 

Think about the experiences you have had - whether they are academic, professional or extracurricular and what you learnt from these.  Once you've had the chance to consider the direction you want to take in your career, you should start to plan out smaller objectives to meet your overall aim. Setting yourself targets will make you less anxious and more likely to achieve them!

Gain professional experience related to your areas of interest

You learn most about what kind of jobs might suit you by gaining professional experience. Try and find opportunities to volunteer, work part-time alongside your study or even undertake an internship to gain transferable skills which can demonstrate your relevant experience. So whether you volunteer at festivals, work part-time in a café or intern at a record label, the key is to get involved and build your CV!

Make as many connections with as many people as possible

The music industry is built around developing relationships with a wide range of people. So if you're studying music with us here at ICMP, then make sure you are take advantage and collaborate with as many of your peers as possible - remember, you are surrounded by like-minded individuals looking to build careers in the same industry as you. You should also try to build your professional network by attending professional networking and industry events put on by your careers department. 

Hone your professional brand

The transition from student to professional involves developing an awareness of your unique selling points as a ‘brand’ and how you engage with the wider music industry. So make sure you have your CV reviewed by a professional and you've built a professional online profile across relevant digital platforms. 

Develop a resilient mindset

All music careers will have ups and downs and developing the ability to adapt to changing situations and bounce back from setbacks with a positive attitude is a key skill for developing a sustainable career in the music industry. Learning how to juggle the challenges of working, living and studying simultaneous (and when to ask for support) is an important part of your journey from student to professional and learning how to manage your wellbeing will ensure you are able to effectively manage your career. 

Connect with The Hub

If you're an ICMP student or graduate then please keep in touch and let us know what you're up to Also, don't forget that our careers and industry liaison team at The Hub continue to be available to you after graduation, providing advice and connections to help further your career.

If you're interested in taking a music course at ICMP London school of music, then please get in contact with our Admissions Team - you can call them on 020 7328 0222 or email

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by Oli Tatler, Careers & Employability Manager, The Hub
November 14, 2017
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