At ICMP we want you to excel in your academic life, and to take full advantage of the opportunities that open up to you whilst studying music with us.

We know that many students require some extra support with this, for various reasons, and so we are very happy to provide a flexible and personalised support service for all our students - whether this is Additional Learning Support, support with Wellbeing and mental health, or support with Disability and access to facilities and learning resources.

Our Student Wellbeing Team is in place to help you access the support you require to fully engage and succeed with your studies.

We know that studying can be tough, likewise moving away from home for the first time. Life also has a habit of throwing obstacles in our way when we least expect them. The ICMP Student Wellbeing Team is there to help support you through the problems you may encounter whilst studying with us and also to ensure that those with specific support needs can access academic and non-academic support to help them succeed.

Register with the team

What the team offers

The ICMP  Student Wellbeing Team provides a range of services to students, including:

  • Free screening for Dyslexia / Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)
  • Support with accessing a full diagnostic assessment for SpLD (e.g. dyslexia)
  • Support and advice on applying for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)
  • Arranging and facilitating additional support within ICMP (disability, wellbeing and learning support)
  • Signposting to specialist support services not provided by ICMP
  • Information, advice and guidance on maintaining wellbeing as a music student

We treat student wellbeing as a priority and acknowledge the challenges presented by life as a music student. Our Student Wellbeing Team reinforces our whole-college commitment to good mental and physical health and happiness. We can support students to locate the appropriate organisations and professionals able to offer direct support, whether this is within ICMP or with external services and organisations.

Alongside supporting students with specific needs, our team also host a variety of 'Wellbeing' events throughout the year aimed at all ICMP students, to help boost your health, confidence and general wellbeing. Please see the headings below for further detail around the types of support on offer at ICMP.


If you have questions around specific support needs, or student life in general at ICMP, please don't hesitate to contact our Admissions Team who will be happy to help.



What Support We Offer

Wellbeing Support


Mental Health Advisers

Wellbeing support can take a variety of forms ranging from support around performance to dealing with emotional and psychological issues.

Support is accessible via a triage system where students can either get in contact with us via email or our online student portal known as MyICMP.

Counselling support

If counselling support is needed, then ICMP students can access six weeks of free counselling including an initial assessment.  A waiting list is in place when demand is high.

Online Mental Health Service

Students also have access to an innovative online mental health and wellbeing service offering self-help programmes, creative outlets and a community that cares.  The service is free to ICMP students and available 24/7, 365 days a year and in place so that students can even access support and guidance outside of normal office hours and weekends. 

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a practice to release you from habits and tensions that prevent you from finding your natural state of balance and becoming the best musician you can be. 

All students can access discounted Alexander Technique lessons from our experienced teacher who specialises in working with musicians.



Our Wellbeing team offers a wide range of events over the academic year to help keep students refreshed and recharged.  Previous events have included refresh and recharge, performance wellness, health week, goal setting, yoga, mindfulness and drama. 


Safeguarding is also part of the Disability and Wellbeing team’s responsibilities. Led by a Designated Safeguarding Lead, the team features representatives from various departments within ICMP and is in place to protect young people and adults at risk. 

Our dedicated Disability Advisers provide advice, guidance and support to disabled students and students who think they may have a disability. 

Before you arrive

The Disability Advisers support students well before they begin studies at ICMP, helping with evidence and applications for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), and making advance support plans. It is common for them to start working with people up to a year before they start studying at ICMP, as it can take a long time to plan and implement support arrangements in higher education.

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

Students may claim Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) in addition to student financial loans and grants, to cover any extra study-related costs they incur due to an impairment, mental health condition, or learning difficulty. The amount they receive depends on their individual needs not on their income, or that of parents or partner. DSA is not added to your student loan and is a non-repayable grant. 

Find out more about the DSA application here.

During Your Studies

Our Disability Advisers also help current ICMP students at any point in their studies (from first to final year): arranging access to DSA, implementing support plans and arrangements, and liaising with staff and teams inside and outside ICMP in order to ensure support is working effectively.

And more...

The Disability Adviser’s role includes:  

• Organising dyslexia screenings and diagnostic assessment
• Assisting students with referrals for diagnosis of other common conditions, including ADHD and Autism Spectrum Condition
• Assisting and facilitating in DSA applications, including help with getting the right evidence;
• Assisting students to set up and organise 1:1 additional support with specialist tutors;
• Facilitating institutional ‘reasonable adjustments’ for students (e.g. special arrangements for exams and other on-course support arrangements).

Assistive Technology

The ICMP Disability & Wellbeing Team can offer advice and support about common assistive technologies and disability-friendly hardware and software.

This includes support for things like: screen readers, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, time-management and organisation, mind-mapping, accessibility tools and much more.

One-To-One Sessions

Students can request a one-to-one session with a Disability Advisor to discuss their needs and issues, along with potential solutions. This can be arranged through our usual process, by emailing or by telephone on 020 3805 9290.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about getting support in place, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. You can email us on or call us on +442073280222.

The role of Mental Health Adviser is to work with students across the full spectrum of mental health difficulties ensuring they obtain appropriate treatment, support & adjustments to enable them to successfully complete their studies.

Here is a video that outlines what Mental Health Advisers can offer you.

What we can help with

A Mental Health Adviser can help if a student:

  • has an existing mental health condition
  • is feeling anxious or depressed
  • is worried about their mental health
  • wants to plan how to stay well whilst studying at ICMP.

What do we offer

What do our Mental Health Advisers offer?

  • Advice if you or a student is concerned about the mental health of another student
  • Working with the Disability Advisers, looking at any practical support requirements a student may need as a result of their mental health issues, such as extra time for exams.
  • Liaison with, or referral to other ICMP functions or external agencies, such as NHS services or third party organisations.
  • The organisation of Mental Wellbeing Campaigns and events.
  • Advice and training to teaching and support staff within ICMP.

Disclosing a Mental Health Condition

If you are unsure as to whether you should share information about your mental health with ICMP, UMHAN the University Mental Health Advisers Network has put the following helpful resource together Disclosing a mental health condition

Access support at:

ICMP Disability & Wellbeing Support

Support Needs Referral Form

DSA Support

Students with a diagnosed mental health condition may be entitled to support funded through the DSA, including access to Specialist Mental Health Mentoring, a Travel Allowance and Computer Equipment.

The Specialist Mental Health Mentor helps the student to understand the demands of their course in the context of their condition and how it impacts them. Over the duration of their course, the student is able to explore issues affecting them at university and to work on overcoming those barriers.

The Mentor supports the student with problem-solving, trying out new coping strategies, identifying destructive studying patterns and it helps address these issues. It offers an opportunity for reflection and enables the student to work towards realising their full potential and to enjoy their time in university.

For more information, check the Disability Advisers tab.

Get in touch

If you have questions around accessing support please don't hesitate to contact our Disability & Wellbeing Team who will be happy to help. The team can be contacted by completing the Student Referral Form or via email

Got a wellbeing question you can't find the answer to?

Info for Parents & Guardians

Confidentiality at ICMP

The staff at ICMP are unable to give any information to any third party, about any enrolled student, without the express permission of the student. This includes parents, spouses, siblings and employers.

All Universities in the UK follow similar guidelines
The General Data Protection Act 2018 and the Institute's own policy prohibit the disclosure of an individual’s information without their prior consent. Staff would only contact next of kin without the student’s permission if medical or other urgent personal advice is required.

Disability & Wellbeing Support

The Disability & Wellbeing service will do everything possible to help students in difficulty, although it does not have parental responsibility and can only offer support if approached by the students themselves.

Student Wellbeing staff are always willing to talk to parents and advise on the support offered by ICMP so that they can pass this information over to the student.  We are however unable to discuss individual students’ situations due to both GDPR and the Institute’s own disclosure policy.  

Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) explained for Parents & Guardians

Updates on Application and Academic Progress

Information about the progress of a student’s application and academic progress will only be discussed with the student concerned. If a student would like a third party (parent /partner) to be included in discussions regarding their progress with ICMP staff, they must contact the appropriate department and give their permission. For further information about the consent to share process students should email

Preparing to study at ICMP

Every student needs to register with a GP. Find local practices by entering your term time postcode on the NHS Choices Service Search. Some GPs may only take patients living within a certain area or may be full, so you may need to try more than one place.

Other healthcare services
There is a range of 'primary care' options available depending on what students need, including GP practices, dentists, walk-in centres, sexual health clinics and pharmacies. Visit the NHS services page to find out more. If unsure, you can call 111 for advice; it's free.

Encourage them to plan a budget in advance for their weekly food shops, phone bill, toiletries, bills, clothing, visiting home, etc.

Further resources

starting in september? find out everything you need to know.

Top Tips for Students

Getting Started

Medical Care

Settling in

Advice for late applicants

It's normal to feel unsure about what to expect when starting university. It's also normal to feel nervous at times of change, which is why we've written these top tips to help you steady your nerves...

If you're worried or stressed after reading our tips please talk to someone about how you are feeling as you may need extra support. Visit for more information.

Tips provided by Dr Alys Cole-King with input from Dr Dom Thompson, Student Health Expert and Dr Knut Schroeder.


Sit down with someone you trust and write a list of all your worries and concerns so that you can start to address them together.

Create an action plan

Put all your worries or concerns into different categories, such as making friends, your studies, budgeting, living away from home and make an action plan for each one, containing solutions for each worry.

Advice for disabled students

As a disabled person entering higher education, you may feel unsure if your requirements will be met in relation to learning, accommodation and socialising. Whether you have already secured a place at ICMP or are currently applying through the UCAS clearing system, the document below aims to help you by providing pointers and questions to ask to help ensure a smooth journey.

This document, produced by the Disabled Students' Commission, contains a number of considerations that will help you to pre-empt any barriers that you could encounter and help to ensure that reasonable adjustments are implemented at the outset of your course.


If you need support for any health condition or disability, plan how you can get the care and support you need. A good starting point is to contact our team as soon as you arrive at ICMP.

Register with a GP

We recommend that all students register with a local GP surgery when moving to a new area. You can find recommended practices in your area by searching here.

Phone the new GP practice and check if they have anyone who specialises in student health. If you have mental or physical health issues, make the call yourself if you can. If you find it hard, ask your next of kin to call and sit next to them so you can listen and join in if needed.


If you take regular medicines or need medical devices or equipment, plan what you need and get an appropriate supply of prescriptions in advance (to be agreed with your GP) so you don't run out!

Sort out ongoing care

If you're under specialist care for conditions like asthma, diabetes or a mental health problem, register with a new GP as soon as possible so that you can discuss ongoing care and possible referral to local services.

The following tips will help you to settle into your new life.

Get comfortable

Take a few things with you that remind you of home, like a dressing gown or your usual duvet and bedsheets instead of buying new ones. You could also make a playlist of your favourite songs and photos of family and friends for times when you need a boost.

Look after your wellbeing

Make a 'Personal Wellbeing Plan' of 5 things you can do every day and to help build your wellbeing. Include things in your plan like sleep, exercise, activities that you enjoy, something relaxing, socialising with friends, small treats, support from home, and so on.

Make a safety plan

Sit down with someone you trust and make a plan of things you can do for yourself. Write down how you can get in touch with people you can ask for support if you ever feel low, get stressed or you are struggling. 

If you're a late applicant, meaning you have applied to study at ICMP from June onwards, please read this information regarding the timeline for getting support in place and discussing any support requirements or potential access issues you may have with our team.

Learning and disability support

If you require any additional learning support, disability support or access considerations, and your application is within 3 months of the start of your course, then you should contact our Student Wellbeing Team immediately at

Some kinds of support which are available to students in higher education (e.g. Disabled Students Allowance - DSA) can take up to 3 months to arrange. Find out more about applying for DSA.

Requesting support

You may need to provide formal evidence of a diagnosed condition in order to access the support you require. The time taken to obtain and provide this evidence can lead to further delays in getting your support in place.

This is valid for things such as:

  • medical or mental health conditions;
  • specific learning difficulties like dyslexia or ADHD;
  • autism spectrum condition;
  • sensory impairments;
  • mobility or physical-related disabilities.

Contact the team

Please contact us asap if you have any questions about getting support in place for your studies, applying for DSA, or getting the correct evidence so you can access the right support.

Even if you're not sure whether this applies to you, please get in touch if you have any questions about this, whether your condition qualifies for learning support (or 'disability support'), or if you think you may benefit from any additional support on your course at ICMP.


Starting in September

Starting a higher education course at any institution can be an amazing and life-changing experience, but it can also bring is own unique challenges.

To support new students starting with us in September or even if you are just feeling a bit unsure about starting back at ICMP our Student Wellbeing Team have put together their recommended links to resources we have found to navigate you through those challenges and find the answers to some of those difficult questions.

Student Minds

Student Minds, the UK’s student mental health charity, have two new guides available to download here that you can reach for when you need helpful tips for understanding university life: 

Know Before You Go is aimed at school or college students – “This life skills resource helps you to anticipate, identify and navigate situations you will encounter when entering higher education. It contains information on many topics including paying bills, study skills, housemate issues, identity questions and embedded throughout is how to maintain good mental health and seek help as needed”.

Transitions is aimed at current students – “This resource is here to help you be successful on campus, focusing on time management, relationships, identity, finances, sexual activity, mental illness, suicide and addictions and more. It also includes tips and strategies for helping students through challenging times and recommendations of where to go to get additional help, if needed”.

Practical Tips this section is full of tips and resources to help you with the transition (back) to university!



Leaving home for the first time is very exciting, but it’s also a time of big change and many of you will be starting to think about moving out of home and into accommodation with people you’ve never met before.

Unite Students, one of the UK’s largest student accommodation providers, have developed the Leapskills program which is a free resource designed to “support young people with the transition to independent living by reducing the expectation gap that young people have before arriving at university”.

It is a mix of real-life scenarios, brought to life by a digital game, student insight shared video content and discussion points. You can do this at home as a 45min to 1-hour digital session which you can work through on your own or with a parent or member of your household.

Start Leapskills


Togetherall, formerly known as BWW, is an online community and safe space to talk, share and support others like you.  Access is free to all students at ICMP by logging on with your email address.  It is available 24/7, 365 days a year. 

You can also have access to a range of online courses on topics such as Improve Your Sleep, Managing Anxiety, Managing Stress and Worry, Coping with Grief and Loss and Problem-Solving to name a few.


Being Well, Living Well

We are very excited to be launching this new online toolkit which will be available to all students at ICMP. The toolkit equips students with practical tools for maintaining their mental, physical, emotional and financial wellbeing covering topics such as study-life balance, confidence, self-esteem and resilience, healthy relationships and working out living costs.

Students will be receiving log-in information in order to get access to this resource from the start of your time at ICMP. 


What do you mean by disability?

When we talk about disability (or disabled students), we mean any student with a long-term condition that can affect the way they study. For example, if you have dyslexia or ADHD this could affect the way you take notes, read text or write essays; or if you have anxiety or depression, this could affect your motivation, focus and concentration or your organisation and time-management skills. ‘Disability’ also covers long-term medical conditions, if they have an impact on your studies or day-to-day life.

What the law says
The Equality Act 2010 says that people can be described as ‘disabled’ if they have a physical or mental condition (or impairment) that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long term’ negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activity.

If you’re unsure whether or not we can support you, or if you meet this definition of ‘disability’, please get in touch or ask to book a confidential 1-1 appointment with one of our Disability Adviser. Even if you don’t have a diagnosed condition, please get in touch ASAP if you have ever had learning support before (e.g. exam arrangements) or think you may need it at ICMP. Please contact us on 020 7328 0222 or at for more information.

I am worried about telling ICMP that I have a disability. Why should I do it?

Some people are reluctant to disclose a disability because they fear that it might affect their ICMP application or result in them being treated differently by ICMP staff. Please be assured that this is not the case at ICMP and that it is illegal for any UK college or university to discriminate against any student or applicant for a disability-related reason, including for course admission decisions.

You can request that no information about your disability is passed on to anyone at ICMP outside the Disability and Wellbeing Team, if this is important to you, and we will be happy to discuss this and will completely respect your final decision. However, if you do this it may restrict/adversely affect the level of support ICMP can offer you and could limit the types of adjustments which can be put in place on your course.

If you consent to information about your disability being shared with other staff (e.g. your teachers), this consent will normally be valid until you finish your course. However, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting our team.

Although we strongly encourage students to disclose a disability so that they can access the additional support they are entitled to, we fully respect any student's right not to do so and will act in accordance with your wishes.

What are the benefits of disclosing disability?

There are many benefits to disclosing your disability, and it is usually a very positive thing to do this as far in advance as possible before your course starts. As part of reasonable adjustments, some students with disabilities may be eligible for special exam arrangements, such as extra time or rest breaks. Some might be eligible for academic and/or library support, such as permission to record lectures, provision of reading lists, advanced copies of lecture notes and slides or extended library loans. In order to receive special exam arrangements students will need to register with the Disability and Wellbeing Team and provide medical evidence of how their disability or health condition affects their studies. The student's entitlement to reasonable adjustments will be based on the medical evidence provided.

Please note: Students must note that consideration and preparation of special exam arrangements requires time and, therefore, are advised to register with the Disability and Wellbeing Team as early as possible and well in advance of the start of their exams.

Who else will you tell about my disability?

We won’t share any disability or support-related information that you disclose to us unless you give us clear written permission to do so. If you do want us to make any additional disability or learning support arrangements, we might have to tell some other people who are involved in your support but we will only do this with your explicit consent. If you register with the Disability and Wellbeing Team this won’t be added to your degree certificate and we won’t ever tell your future employers or other colleges. We will not share information with your parents, carers or family members without your explicit consent, which we record through a separate process.

Please note: In circumstances where there is a significant concern for a student’s (or someone else’s) safety or welfare, we may share confidential information without your consent; this allows us to respond without delay and to work together to reduce risk to anyone in danger or at risk of serious harm.

Your information is kept confidential in line with the current UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).  For a more detailed explanation of how your personal data is stored and used, you should visit ICMP website and read General Privacy Notice or contact us.

How can I register with disability support service at ICMP?

If you need disability support at ICMP such as exam support, support from your lecturers etc. you’ll need to register with the Disability and Wellbeing Team.

In order to understand your disability and provide you with guidance and support, the Disability and Wellbeing Team asks you to complete the Support Needs Referral Form and provide evidence of your disability. This could be a GP letter, Psychologist assessment or diagnostic report. You can upload your evidence via this form, or send to us by email or post. You can email your evidence to or post it to:
The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, The Disability and Wellbeing Team, 1B Dyne Road, London, NW6 7XG.

The form allows you to provide full or restricted consent to share your information with ICMP staff. By completing this form and providing evidence of your disability, you can start the process of accessing additional support for your studies at ICMP.

I might have dyslexia but am not sure if I have been properly tested.

Has anyone ever told you they think you might be dyslexic? Did you ever get extra exam arrangements at your previous school or college, e.g. extra time, a separate room, access to a reader or scribe, or use of a laptop or computer to type your exam answers? If so, please get in touch as these things could be a sign of dyslexia, or some other disability or Specific Learning Difficulty.

Dyslexia affects around 10% of the population and is often hereditary. It affects the way people process, store and retrieve information, and can lead to difficulties with memory, organisation, time-management, sequencing, reading and writing.

If you think you might be dyslexic or aren’t sure if you have previously been diagnosed or not, please get in touch to find out more information. We can arrange free online dyslexia screening for ICMP students and we can also offer full dyslexia assessments at a reduced cost.

How do I get personal care support?

Personal care needs to be arranged through your home social services. Please apply early as this can take a long time to arrange. For more information, please visit the government website.

What are Disabled Students Allowances (DSA)?

Disabled Students Allowance is additional government funding for disabled students in UK Higher Education. It is available for any UK disabled student who is already studying or about to study a higher education course. It is not means-tested, is not added to your student loan, and you do not have to pay it back after your course.

DSA covers additional study-related costs that you may incur because of your disability or learning support requirements. It doesn’t provide you with money, but instead, it pays directly for the support you need, for example specialist computer hardware or software; specialist 1-1 support sessions throughout your course; taxi transport if you cannot travel on public transport; additional costs of printing or photocopying.

If you have a learning support requirement or disability and you are thinking of studying at ICMP, then you may be entitled to Disabled Students Allowances (DSA). Applying for DSA is essential for any student who requires additional support with their learning in UK higher education. If you want to benefit from the support available through DSA you should apply as soon as possible, and you can apply from the same time that student finance applications open (usually around Spring-time).

It can take up to 14 weeks for DSA applications to be processed, so please apply as early as possible to prevent any delays with getting your DSA support in place for the start of your course. 

We can help you with your application for Disabled Students Allowances, so please don’t hesitate to ask if you need help or have any questions. Please get in touch or book an appointment with one of our advisors by emailing

Who is eligible for Disabled Students Allowances?

International students from outside the European Union (EU) are not eligible for Disabled Students Allowance. Students from EU countries are usually eligible for DSA if they have been permanently resident in the UK for at least five years before the start of their higher education course. They will need to provide formal written evidence of their diagnosis or disability. UK students who can provide formal written evidence of their diagnosis or disability should be eligible for Disabled Student Allowance, even if they have previously had student loans.

How do I get a disabled parking space?

Please note that access is restricted and has to be booked in advance. If you have a Blue Badge, you are allowed to park on the streets outside and around ICMP. Please email for more information.

Is it too late for me to register with the Disability and Wellbeing Team?

We’d always recommend that you get in touch with us about any possible support requirements or questions, even if you think it might be too late to access support because you’re coming to the end of your course. To ask a question or book an appointment, please email

What if I’ve got a temporary illness or injury?

We’re only able to provide formal disability support to people who could be seen to have a long-term disability as defined by the Equality Act. If you have a short-term illness or injury that lasts or is likely to last less than one year, then you should still contact us to see what support may be possible, although this may be limited and only provided on a short-term basis.